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Skit Bits: Short And Sweet!”

Sometimes you just want something you can do real quick.

Announcing an exciting new feature here on Skit Bits! Skit Bits are very short, fast-moving and hilarious skits based on scripts from our sixty-second national radio program, “You Gotta Laugh.” And they are FREE! We will be adapting and posting these on a regular basis, so check back in every so often. You know how at the mall or Costco, you will see associates standing around with free food samples, hoping that if you like the little taste you get, you will want to buy the product? Same here!

These Skit Bits are great for sermon-starters, comedy program sequences, puppets, you name it! Just as carefully written as our longer material, these skits have been heard by millions on the radio. Now, your youth group or drama team can do them!

To access them, use the “Free Skits” category on the drop-down “Categories” menu on the left bar. Or click here: Free Skits


Dramatic Plays:
Our plays range from 20 minutes all the way up to 80 minutes. They are written to engage the viewer, make them think, to impact the emotions, and present the Gospel in such a way that they perceive it as meeting the needs of their life. The aim is to bless the believer, and give the person that has never made a decision for Christ a desire to invite Him into their life.

Comedic Skits:
Our skits range in length from 5 minutes up to 20 minutes. While most are comedic in nature, using humor to impart a perspective that may not have been considered, the laughs are all tied into the message, and there is always a resolution that leads the viewer into consideration of the Truth contained in it. The humor can be enjoyed by all ages.

The soundtracks that we make to accompany the scripts add drama and emotional impact to the script’s performance. There are two different kinds of script and soundtrack; 
the kind where you do the lines live and the soundtrack is played at certain times during the performance; and second, the kind that supplies all the narration, music and effects mixed together to play as the actors perform, with no lines to learn. Each script description page tells you which kind it is under the “Soundtrack Key.”